Help with instructions

Next Row: Patt to end, cast on 13sts. 38 [40:44:46:48]sts.
Next Row: (K1, P1) 6 times, K3, s1, K1,psso, (neck edge), patt to end. 37 [39:43:45:47]sts.
Next Row: Patt to last 16sts, P1, K2, P1, (K1, P1) 6 times.
Next Row: (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K2, s1, K1, psso, patt to end. 36 [38:42:44:46]sts.
Next Row: Patt to last 16sts, P1, K3, (P1, K1) 6 times.
Last 4 rows set patt and neck shaping.
Work 5 [5:5:5:3] rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in next and every foll alt row. 33
Work 6 [6:6:6:8] rows dec 1 st at neck edge as before in 4th [4th:2nd:4th:4th] and every foll 0
[0:4th:0:4th] row and foll 0 [0:2nd:0:4th] row. 32 [34:37:40:42]sts.

Need help with work 6 rows.
Going by the instructions it’ says I am only losing 1sts but when I do it I work it out I will be losing 3sts.

Can someone please help me.


Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your pattern and which size are you making?
For the smallest size for example you would have 36 sts after the first 4 rows. Dec on rows 5, 7 and 9 taking you to 33sts. Skip over any direction with a 0. Dec on row 13 taking you to 32sts.


Pattern is 4363 jacket and it’s the second size I am knitting.

Sorry I am so confused

There is 2 rows that say psso I would be losing 2 sts doing that plus the one 1 have to dec at neck edge. So that would make it I was losing 3sts in total instead of just 1.

Hope you understand me

There is 2 rows that say psso I would be losing 2 sts doing that plus the one 1 have to dec at neck edge. So that would make it I was losing 3sts in total instead of just 1.

Hope you understand me

For the work 6 rows only do the neck decrease on the 4th (of these 6) row. Ignore the other decreases and just work to pattern keeping your knits and purls where they should be to keep the pattern continuity.

The decrease rows just show you where the decreases will be positioned if/when you do a decrease. When no decrease then work straight.

Hope this helps


Thanks for your help. Two rows says psso that would mean I would be losing 2 sts plus the 1 I have to dec at neck edge. If I don’t psso what knit should I be doing?

Sorry I am confused




Thanks for your help. Two rows says psso that would mean I would be losing 2 sts plus the 1 I have to dec at neck edge. If I don’t psso what knit should I be doing?

Sorry I am confused

When you repeat the last 4 rows, don’t work the decrease that is given there.
Next Row: (K1, P1) 6 times, K3, s1, K1,psso, (neck edge), patt to end. 37 [39:43:45:47]sts.
Next Row: Patt to last 16sts, P1, K2, P1, (K1, P1) 6 times.
Next Row: (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K2, s1, K1, psso, patt to end. 36 [38:42:44:46]sts.
Next Row: Patt to last 16sts, P1, K3, (P1, K1) 6 times

Only work the decreases in the rows I gave in my first post (the decs for the first and second sizes are the same). For the second size you end with 34sts.

The s1, k1, psso is a decrease of one stitch, the slipped stitch which is passed over. In rows where you aren’t working a decrease, just knit those sts in pattern.

If you look at the row numbers for decreases and match them to the pattern rows, most of the decreases do fall on pattern rows 1 and 3. It’s only row 11 which is pattern row 3 where you would skip the decrease.
dec row 5=pattern row 1

Maybe this pattern:

Shape Armhole.
Next Row: Cast off 2sts in patt, patt to
last 0 [0:16:0:16]sts, (K2tog, K2, patt 12)
0 [0:1:0:1] times. 30 [32:35:38:40]sts.

What patt am I following?

This very first rows I did

1st Row: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to last
2sts, K2.
2nd Row: K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to last
st, P1.
3rd Row: P1, *K1, P1, rep from * to last
2sts, K2.
4th Row: K2, *K1, P1, rep from * to last
st, K1.
1st to 4th row sets patt with g-st border.
Keeping continuity

Or this pattern

Shape Neck and Collar.
Next Row: Patt to last 4sts, K2tog (neck
edge), K2, cast on 13sts.
37 [39:43:45:47]sts.
Next Row: (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K2, patt
to end.
Next Row: Patt to last 17sts, K2tog, K2,
P1, (K1, P1) 6 times. 36 [38:42:44:46]sts.
Next Row: (K1, P1) 6 times, K3, patt to
Next Row: Patt to last 17sts, K2tog, K3,
(P1, K1) 6 times. 35 [37:41:43:45]sts.




Shape Armhole.
Next Row: Cast off 2sts in patt, patt to
last 0 [0:16:0:16]sts, (K2tog, K2, patt 12)
0 [0:1:0:1] times. 30 [32:35:38:40]sts.

What patt am I following?

This very first rows I did

1st Row: K1, *P1, K1, rep from * to last
2sts, K2.
2nd Row: K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to last
st, P1.
3rd Row: P1, *K1, P1, rep from * to last
2sts, K2.
4th Row: K2, *K1, P1, rep from * to last
st, K1.
1st to 4th row sets patt with g-st border.
Keeping continuity

Or this pattern

Shape Neck and Collar.
Next Row: Patt to last 4sts, K2tog (neck
edge), K2, cast on 13sts.
37 [39:43:45:47]sts.
Next Row: (P1, K1) 6 times, P1, K2, patt
to end.
Next Row: Patt to last 17sts, K2tog, K2,
P1, (K1, P1) 6 times. 36 [38:42:44:46]sts.
Next Row: (K1, P1) 6 times, K3, patt to
Next Row: Patt to last 17sts, K2tog, K3,
(P1, K1) 6 times. 35 [37:41:43:45]sts.



It just means keep going with the pattern that you have been using throughout.
It’s the series of knits and purls in a certain order which has produced the lovely textured effect across the whole jacket. This pattern was set up earlier as a 4 row repeat with a garter boarder, and this pattern was continued during the neck shaping, where it says something like “patt to last 4 stitches” the main part is the pattern and the last 4 were used for some shaping.

The part you are doing now requires you to “read” your fabric so that when you cast off 2 stitches for the arm hole you then continue the set pattern correctly with the knits and purls creating just the same texture of fabric that you have been creating all the way through.

So it probably doesn’t have the garter boarder and it doesn’t have the neck shaping…it’s the other stuff.

Does this make sense?

Thanks for your help

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Enjoy working this part. We’d love to see a photo when you finish!

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Me again,

Sorry for being stupid I am a beginner. I have all the right number of sts but every time I do it the pattern is different to the rest of the jacket. What am I doing wrong??

Thanks for all your help

Is it the cast off 2 and patt to the end of the row you are trying to do?
When figuring out which stitch you need to work remember

  • 2 stitches have been cast off so you are 2 shorter and need to account for this in the pattern (if you cast off in pattern that may help)
  • After casting off you have a stitch remaining on the right needle which has to be worked to enable the cast off. Don’t forget this stitch. This was previously the 3rd stitch of the row. So the rest of the row starts with stitch 4 and continues.

As you are working the second size you don’t need to do the k2tog part of the shape armhole.

If these are not the bits where you are going wrong let us know so we can help more.

“Reading” the fabric is really useful at this point, looking to see what the next stitch is showing as, a knit or purl, and knowing what you pattern had you do previously.

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This is a fairly sophisticated concept, especially as a beginning knitter so don’t think twice about coming back until it turns out right.

You can see when the pattern goes off. That’s when you notice the the pattern is different from the rest of the jacket. Now you need to predict what sts to work next to maintain the pattern so that it continues the previous rows and looks right.

On the decrease row, work the decrease then look several sts ahead along the row. Can you see which knit or purl sts need to be worked on the current row in order to maintain the K1,P1 repeat pattern of the previous row? Then name the sts to the right, knits or purls until you come to the needle tip. Now you know which stitch to work.
This is similar to the idea I’m thinking of where you use previous rows to predict the start of the new row, even after a decrease.

In your stitch pattern you’re either repeating the previous row (rows 2 & 4) or working the opposite stitch (rows 1&3).

Thank for your help. Trying to work out what rows to do to get the pattern right.

Hopefully I will get there.

Thanks again

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You will. Pay attention to the bumps (the purl sts) from the last row and see if that helps.

Fingers crossed.


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