I can’t believe I’m finally binding off, but I think I’m doing something wrong.
K 1, * k 2 tog, O, k 2 tog, turn, p 1, work 5 sts in next st – to work 5 sts in 1 (k 1, p 1) twice in the same st, then k in the same st once more. P 1, sl 1, turn, bind off 7 sts (1 st remains on righthand needle). Repeat from * around.
It’s working, sort of, but I don’t feel like it looks right and definitely not like the pictures.
At the first turning point, there is no wrap indicated, so when doing the p1, the working yarn is on the left needle, which I’ve seen before, so not too bad, but what’s more odd to me is the last part, the p1, s1, there are only 2 sts left on the LHN when you get to that spot, so you purl one, and slip the last st back over to the RHN, but then you turn and are supposed to BO and there’s no sts on the RHN and the working yarn is one st in.
I’m probably missing something obvious, it just feels all wrong, doesn’t [I]look [/I]BAD, per se, but feels very wrong.
Thanks in advance!