Help with German short row instructions

Hello, I need help reading these German short row instructions in a sweater pattern:
Row 1 (RS): K to 8 sts past marker, turn
Row 2 (WS): Make DS, p to 8 past m, remove marker, turn
Row 3: Make DS, k to DS, resolve DS, k8, turn
Row 4: Make DS, p to DS, resolve DS, p8, turn
Row 5: Make DS, pm, sl1, k3 rep to DS, pm, resolve DS, k8, turn

Once I get to row 5, I have 30 sts between the DS so cannot finish a full repeat of (sl1, k3). Is this correct?

This is what I have:
Row 1: K to 8 sts past marker (8 sts)
Row 2: make DS with the 8th knitted st from previous row, p 15 sts (7 sts to marker + 8 sts past marker, so 1 DS + 15 sts)
Row 3: make DS with the 15th purled st from prev row, k 14 sts, resolve DS, k8 (1 DS + 23 sts)
Row 4: make DS, p22, resolve DS, p8 (1 DS + 31 sts)
Row 5: make DS, resulting in 30 sts until next DS

Thank you!

What is the name of your pattern and designer?
Are you counting in the resolved DS when you work these rows?

It’s the Lanyon Jumper by Fabienne Gassmann. I’ve emailed the designer but haven’t received a response. She was on mat leave until the end of 2024. I’m hoping to finish this sweater by the end of this month.

I had 30 sts between the DS in Row 5, including the resolved DS from previous rows. Am I reading the instructions incorrectly?

I count 8sts for each row since the DS is going to be resolved and might as well be considered as part of the knit or purl row.
Adding 8sts in 4 rows is 32sts which should work for row 5. If you end row 4 with:
“Row 4: make DS, p22, resolve DS, p8 (1 DS + 31 sts)”
you would be one short of the 32sts needed to work the (sl1,k3)repeat. There are several possible errors noted in the pattern.

I don’t know if it would work to add in an extra stitch at this point or possibly to count the DS at the beginning of row 5 as the slip one. You might contact either the designer or one of the two project knitters above who are working their way through the pattern.

Thank you! Guess I’ll have to wait for the designer. The two knitters you mentioned are both making size 2, which doesn’t seem to have an incomplete repeat of the sl1, k3.