Help with first sweater

I’m knitting my first sweater and having trouble with raglan armholes. Can someone please help with line by line instructions? I can’t visualize what I’m supposed to do. Will I have two decrease rows in a row?IMG_4069


Welcome to KnittingHelp!
What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
You’ve worked it out beautifully, line by line. Yes, the pattern forces you to work either two decrease rows in a row or to skip a decrease row in order to work the decreases every other row on RS rows. The way you have written it out will work for the change from every 3rd row to every other row.
It’s so exciting to be working your first sweater. Have fun with it. You’re doing great so far!

Thank you for your help and encouragement! The pattern is Lion Brand Chunky Adult Raglan Sleeve Pullover, 80682AD.

Good looking classic!