Help with "finishing" part of pattern

So I’m finishing up the last sleeve on this pattern this weekend probably, and when I look at how to put it all together, it doesn’t make sense in my brain. The front ended up with one stitch at the bind off of both sides for shoulder, the back didn’t have any shoulder shaping and the sleeves finish up on stitch holders too.

I don’t understand how to sew the sleeves or the back and front together, usually the end of the sleeves is what I sew to the shoulders in every other pattern I’ve done so far so I’m just thoroughly confused.

Here is the pattern:

It can be confusing when you have single sts fastened off on either side of the neck. The easiest way to approach this is to pin the raglan seams together along their length from neck to underarm. When you’re happy with the alignment, stitch the seams together leaving the back left seam open. That way you can pick up sts for the neck ribbing and knit it back and forth.
(If you prefer to knit the neck ribbing on a circular needle you can sew all the raglan seams and then pick up sts around the neck to knit in the round.)

is this where the raglan seam would go?

The raglan seams are on the red lines along the sides of the sleeve above the armhole bind off and before the held sts at the top.

Did the directions have you decrease at the underarm rather than bind off?
The sleeve design of the G clef worked out so well!