This is my first cable project and it is looking really good but I was wondering if I could get some advice before I move on to the thumb.
To get the thumb you knitted 7 stitches with waster yarn, then slipped them back on the left and knitted with working yarn. That went fine
To work the thumb
Remove waste yarn and place resulting live sts on two dpn’s…should have 7 below and 6 above…
I practiced this on some scrap yarn knitted in the round in pattern but my issue was that my thumb was backwards…that is it showed the purl side on the outside not the knit stitch it was supposed to be… I read up on it a little and someone advised
"The stitches probably started out reversed when you got them on the needles"
Is that what I did wrong??? And does that mean when I put the stitches on the needle I just put them on the needle wrong???or is there another reason it came out with the wrong side out?
P.S. I stink at frogging and putting the yarn on the needle correctly…
If I used a lifeline to go back in case I mess this up again…sigh would you lifeline all 13 stitches together or the 2 groups separately…i have to pick up some stitches in between…
Thanks for any advice!