Help with edging!

I have had to ask a bunch of questions before because of this cardigan project I am almost done with.
I am making this thing.

I am trying to make the edge on it, around the neck and front, but can’t for the life of me make it work.
It turns out too tight and pulls too much on the cardigan making it look very ugly.
I got suggestions from a fellow ravelry-er to use bigger sized needles making the ribbing, which I did. I have tried a seed stitch edge: got even worse. I use a bigger needles to bing off and still manage to get it too tight. Help! What should I do?? I got the suggestion to make an I-cord edge too, but I feel maybe it wouldn’t look so good…

Can anyone give any suggestions for me on how to get a looser edge? It hangs/falls real nice without an edge, but needs one to look finished.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did it tell you to use a smaller needle for the ribbing? Normally you do use a couple of sizes smaller for ribbing around a neck edge and on the front bands of sweaters, so it seems you would do that here too. If you have done that and it didn’t work maybe it is because you have more stitches than would “like” to be picked up. You could use just one size smaller if need be, but I’d think you should probably use the ratio they suggested (1 or 2 sizes smaller than the body, or whatever they said), unless it’s wacky. :lol:

I know from reading your previous posts that it told you a certain number of stitches to pick up. I’m not telling you what to do, but here is what I would do it I had to pick all those stitches up. I know some of the stitches are live and you don’t have to pick them up per se, but just start working them off of the needle you held them on. On the live stitches just knit them in the K2, P2 rib pattern (or maybe you work one row in just knit before you start the rib?)but when you have to pick up the stitches for the rest of it, I’d throw the number of stitches they suggest out the window and pick up what needs to be picked up.

I went to a finishing class and the instructor said she never pays any attention to the number it says to pick up. Well, you pay a bit of attention to it, :wink: in that if what you pick up is way, way different there may be a problem. And in this case since you are working in a circle and have K2, P2 rib you need to end up with a multiple of 4 so the rib will fit in properly. (That is paying attention to it too.):wink:

On vertical and diagonal sections you need to pick up 3 stitches and then skip one all the time. That ratio makes a nice flat border most of the time. 1, 2, 3, skip all the way until you come to your stitches on the needle, then work them and then go back to 1, 2, 3, skip when you are past them. The fact that you need a multiple of 4 makes it a little harder. If you have to fudge a little don’t do it all in one place, spread things out over a long distance if you have adjustments to make in the normal 1, 2, 3, skip sequence. Or, I just had an idea… if you picked up what needed to be picked up and it was a little off of the multiple of 4 you could ditch the few stitches you were off on the next row by working 2 tog spaced far apart and in as inconspicuous a placement as possible.

I know these kinds of things can be a nightmare sometimes, but since I started picking up what needed to be picked up and have forgotten the “number” given, I have found it fun. I can’t guarantee anything since the needle size may be part of the problem, but my bet is it isn’t that so much as the number of stitches. Good luck.

You are an angel. I am going to try your suggestions: 1,2,3, skip…

I should take one of them finishing classes. Haven’t seen any in town here though. Maybe a book would be a good idea.

There are no live stitches (luckily) and I use a size 6 for the edge (cardigan is made in a size 7).

I have to run here so this reply is a bit short. I’ll check in later.

If there are no live stitches and you are working along the bottom of the back, and along the back neck edge, any horizontal edge, you should probably pick up one on one (one in each stitch) in that area. That was what the teacher said. :slight_smile:

Took me a while to get back to this. I took a picture of what it looks like (it’s been resting while I knitted on other things).

So I have to get an edging all around the neck and front on it, as you can see.

I am strarting to wonder if I need to learn a stretchier bind off too…

Bind off with a needle 2 or 3 sizes larger than you ribbed with. How do you think it is going?

What a cute pattern! Besides the edging, how hard was the project overall (now that you’re almost done)?

I am done!! Picture here

I am very happy with how it turned out. :o)

[B]outdoordrea[/B]; It was a pretty tricky pattern I though. I have only been knitting for 4 months though. I felt it left a lot of things unsaid that I either had to ask about here of figure out on my own.
It is a flat knit, so no knitting in the round. Just so you know.

I think if you have some more experience than I have you could probably fill in the blanks better than I could.

Thank you so much for your help [B]MerigoldinWA[/B]! I used a size 6 for the ribbing and a size 10 to bind off. hehe It worked! And I picked up many more stitches than the pattern said. I never counted how many, it just worked out. :o)

I’m glad to hear it worked out for you and that you are done, done done! LOL I like picking up stitches without worrying about all the counting. It sounds like you had to do some experimenting with needle sizes.

Your sweater turned out with a nice flat edging, and looks good over all. You did gret for having only been knitting for a few months.

It looks very nice! :cheering: