Help with decreasing in beanie pattern


I’m hoping that someone will be able to help, I’m thoroughly confused with a beanie pattern.
I have 60 stitches and need to reduce it to 54 and the pattern says Row 1(RS): slip 1 st purlwise, K1B, P1, K1B, K2tog, [(P1, K1B) X4, K2tog] X5, P1, K1B, P1, K1.
The part that I’m having trouble with is a combination of the part in brackets Row [(P1, K1B) X4, K2tog] X5 and the amount of stitches that I work. When I count everything I only count 22 stitches that I’ve worked out of the 60 and the x4 and x5 is throwing me off.
I appreciate any help that I can get, I’ve just completed a pile of rows in fisherman’s rib that I don’t want to ruin by doing the wrong thing.
Thank you in advance.

Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your beanie pattern and designer?
The row adds up to 60sts before working it and 54sts after (6decreases)
[(P1, K1B) X4, K2tog] X5 means to work repeats of (P1, K1B) 4 times then a K2tog. That sequence is then repeated 5 times.

So work (P1, K1B, P1, K1B, P1, K1B, P1, K1B, K2tog) and then repeat 4 times more (a total of 5x)

There are 6sts before the repeat which decrease to 5sts.
[(8sts) +2] repeated 5 times = 50sts which decrease to 45sts once the row is knit.
4sts after the repeat.

Thank you so much, that makes more sense than how I was trying to work it out. I’m fairly new at knitting and patterns and I’ve been able to fumble through so far until I hit that bit of a road block.
Thank you for solving that for me.

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Glad to help. You’re doing the right thing by picking patterns, working steps out and asking questions. Have fun with this one!

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Thank you again, I’m enjoying trying different patterns and making different things.


Any time you’re worried you might ruin something a life line cannhelp, it helps me have the confidence to try something new

Do you know how to tink?
It’s undoing knitting one stitch at a time, it’s so useful and when you are confident tinking the process of knitting feels much safer. I notice now that I tink as easily as I knit which has made a big difference for me.

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