Help with colour work chart please

Hi , I,m fairly new to colour work but I,m really enjoying knitting hats from coopknits toasty volume one and 2 . I,ve learnt lots and understand a greyed out stich share means no stitch . I,m currently knitting the Bedale hat in book 1 it’s in blue and cream . i,ve finish the body of the hat and I m ready to start the crown and shaping . For this there is a different chart . On the first line of the chart you I knit 1 . Ssk . Knit 5 . I then have 2 stitch squares both blue but with no dividing line this is repeated on the line above so a block of four with no horizontal dividing line this goes on up to round 14 . What does this mean I have searched and searched and cannot find a reference for this . Sorry this is long winded its my first post and its a bit hard to explain . Thank you

Maybe the 2 squares are the decreases as shown in white yarn on the pattern page, 7th photo from the top? or see this project.
There seems to be panels of 2 sts up through many if not all of the crown shaping.

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Hi, so the ssksecond stitch on the pattern repeat is the decrease ,so are you meaning the block of two indicates a decrease has been made … so effectively its the same as a greyed out no stitch . ?. Thank you very much for your reply.

I was wondering if the 2 stitch square in blue corresponded to the white ribs which continue up the crown independently of the colorwork.
Check in the beginning of the pattern or at the end for a note concerning the crown shaping and those 2 stitches.

Hi thanks for your help . I have read and reread the pattern I,ve also study all the technigue notes at the back of the book but no reference is made to the crown shaping .

Sounds like time to contact the designer for help:

You can email or go to herRavelry group from this link.

If you’d like you can post a bit of the chart, maybe a couple of rows with the 2 stitch squares. Don’t post the whole chart please due to designer copyright.

ETA: One other thought. Have you counted sts around the chart to see if the chart sts match sts on the needles after the decreases? Does this block of 4 continue up the chart to row 14 or goes it widen as you make decreases?

Hi thank you for your patience. I have a photo of the chart section I,m struggling with but sadly I can,t seem to attach it … my IT skills are pretty . Chart B is fir crown shaping . First row 15 st pattern repeat 208 St’s in total round .start k1st ssk knit five stitches in blue and cream colourway then we have two blue st squares with no horizontal dividing line . These two stich squares are repeated in a column up to row 13 . Row 1and 2 blue squares row 3and 4 white ,row five and 6 blue ,row 7and 8 white, 9and 10 blue ,11and 12 white . Row 13 these two stich squares are white ssk blue knit . So sorry if this doesn’t make sense . I have followed other advice and posted on the coopknits ravelry group I,ve also emailed the designer . I know this going to be something so simple I will kick myself.

Hi I have had a reply from the designer and its a misprint in the book the two squares are two stitches and there should be a dividing line. Thank you so much for trying to help .

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An easy solution! Hope it’s smooth sailing from now on. Enjoy making the hat.

Phew! Hope the rest of the hat goes well.

Thank you so much for your help .

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