Help with casting on one stitch at beginning and of row

Hi! I’m knitting a snood and the pattern says:
The increases continue and now you cast on 1 st at each end like this:

(WS): *Cast on 1 st, k 3, MIR, knit to last 2 sts, MIL, k 2, cast on 1 st.
K1 r *

If I cast on at the beginning of the row, that stitch gets knit. How do I cast on at the end of the row and knit it? If I don’t knit it until the next round, won’t it be lopsided? I’m very confused. Thanks in advance for your help!

Sometimes patterns are worded like this so that new stitches belong to the same row, but in reality you’ll turn the work at the end of the row and then cast on 1 stitch.
So, with WS facing use a knit cast on to make 1 new stitch, work to the end of the row, turn, use knit cast on to make 1 new stitch. The WS row is now complete.
You already have the RS facing, work the row as given.

The pattern might just as easily say to cast on 1 new stitch at the beginning of each row.

I hope this helps.

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When casting on at the end of a row, you can use the backward loop cast-on or knitted cast-on method. After adding the stitch, just turn your work and continue knitting as usual.

Yes, the new stitch at the end won’t be knit until the next row, but that’s normal! It balances out because the same happens on both sides. Just follow the pattern, and your snood will turn out even. Hope this helps!

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