help with cardigan pattern

Hi. Would anyone be able to help me in this stage of cardigan pattern. have knitted: the back, both sleeves, left border & right border. Following is where I am stuck, don’t even know where to start !!!
Join raglan seams. With rs facing using 5mm 1/2 needles and starting at CENTRE BACK OF NECK ( don’t know where this is ??? )
pick up and knit 10 sts,
14 sts from 15 sts cast off at top left sleeve, ???
37 sts evenly along shaped edge
64 sts evenly along straight edge and 6 sts along rib.

There is more to this pattern but even getting help with this bit would be great.
I can post the rest of pattern if I get stuck.
Many thanks.

What is the name of your pattern?
Sew the raglan seams to each other. That will join the front to the sleeve to the back, the other sleeve and the second front. There will be a cast off edge at each sleeve top and a cast off edge at the back.
You’re going to pick up sts to knit the border along one side of the cardigan. Fold the back neck in half by lining up the back raglan seams. The fold represents the center back. Mark it with a pin or stitch marker. This is your starting point.
Here’s a video for picking up and knitting sts whether along a side edge or a bound off edge.

If you’ve already sewn the raglan seams, lay the sweater out flat so you can see the line up of the pieces. It’ll look somewhat like this (only prettier) where the short arrow indicates the center back of neck and the long arrow, the direction of pick up starting from the center back.