I am the one that has a dog sweater pattern that is wrong. I am going to attempt to make it with your help. I am going to type rows 4 through 9. I know that row 8 is wrong please tell me which row it should be. If you would let me know if row 9 is right.
Row 4 Sl 1, p1, k1 p4, k1, p2, k1 repeat across row to last 7 sts end p4, p1, k1
Row 5 Sl 1 work sts as established across row and end k1
Row 6 Sl 1 k1, p1, sl 2 to cable needle and hold in back, k2 then k2 from cable needle, p1. k2, p1 repeat across row to last 7 sts. sl 2 to cable needle and hold in back, k2, then k2 from cable needle, p1 , k2
Row 7 Sl 1 work sts as established across row, end k1
Row 8 Repeat row 4
Row 9 Repeat row 7