I’m making a toddler sweater that is a yolk neck style. I’ve finished the body and sleeves. The body was this:
Using circular needle and MC, CO 110 sts. Place marker and join. Work around in St st until piece measures 9" from beg
Divide work
(RS) BO 8 sts for armhole, k47 sts and place on a holder for front, BO 8 sts for armhole, work rem 47 sts and place on a holder for back.
I also made the two sleeves knit flat ending with 46 stitches on holders
Then I did the next step:
With RS facing, using circular needle and MC, k47 front sts, pm k46 sts from one sleeve holder, pm, k47 sts from back holder, pm, k46 sts from other sleeve, pm—186 sts
Problem is as I continue up the yolk the area where I cast off 8 stitches for the arm holes seams to pull in the round. There are now 46 stitches in the area where 8 were cast off. Ugggg. How do I work with this…it seamed so simple