hello…i was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a pattern i’m working on? this is the link to it: http://theknittedcupcake.wordpress.com/2009/03/02/free-a-little-knitted-heart-motif-pattern/#comments
http://theknittedcupcake.wordpress.com/2009/03/02/free-a-little-knitted-heart-motif-pattern/#comments (just in case the above one doesn’t work, hopefully someone won’t mind copying and pasting)
basically, my issue is after row 24 to the end. I’m not sure what the pattern means when it says to thread the yarn and bind off.
the other problem i have is when they say to cast off on row 25…i have no clue what that means…
so if anyone is able to help me out, or provide me with a link to even a video on the site that could help, i would really appreciate it…thanks in advance!