Help with a pattern

Hi there
I have joined as I need help with a knitting pattern which I dont understand.
Knitting a sleeve starting with 25 stitches
it says working in st-st throughout work 47 rows inc 1 st at each end of 5th row and every following 6th row. total 41 stitches.

I dont understand what it means, count 5 and then count 6? but doesnt come to a straight count of 41 stitches.
What is it trying to tell me to do
many thanks for any help

Welcome to the forum!
Yes, essentially count and increase on the 5th row and thereafter every 6th row. So if you increase at each end of row 5 then you’ll increase on rows 11,17,23,29,35,41 and 47. That’s 2sts increased per increase row.

Thanks, more straightforward than I thought

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