Happy Sunday!
I am knitting Old school cardigan, shawl collared v-neck by Alma.
I need some help with the Raglan edge
And neck shaping.
It states next row: cast off 4 and knit to end(I have 24 sts after)
Purl next row
Knit 4 rows and at the same time Dec 1 stitch at the raglan edge and in the next and every following 2nd row, which will leave me 22 stitches
Not following this, please advise Thank you
Help with a pattern
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OK, call the cast off of 4sts row 1. Then row 2 is purled. Dec one stitch at the raglan edge on rows 3,5,7, etc until you reach 22sts. It may be that you only need to decrease on rows 3 and 5 to get to 22sts
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