Help with a pattern

Cont in garter st and inc 1 st at each end of next row and 6 foll 6th rows. 36 sts. K 7 rows.

Does this mean I increase 2 stitches for the next 7 rows or
Row 1 increase 2 (24 st.)
Row 2-5 knit
Row 6 increase 26 st.
Row 1-5 knit
Row 6 inc 28 st
Continue until I get 36 st then knit 7 rows
I’m making a Teddy bear and this is the body

You’re to increase at each end of the row (2sts increased per increase row) and then knit 5 rows without increases.
So if you call the next row, row 1, you would inc on rows 1,7,13,19,25, 31 and 37. You’ll have 36sts. Then knit 7 rows without increases.

That’s what I thought. I first started just increasing after each row and it did not look right. That is when I asked for help, Thank you so much. Dorothy I will keep you posted with my Teddy bear. I made wine covers that came out beautiful. I’m really enjoying knitting different things.


I hope we get to see a photo of your teddy bear! Good luck with it and enjoy.