Help with a pattern please!

Hi all!

I’m fairly new to knitting, but have done lots of crochet. I have my mum to help but she’s not knitted anything for years and years, and we’re both stumped on this row. If anyone could help us we’d be super grateful! We’re trying to make a baby cardigan!

It reads:
Shape Neck.
Next Row: Patt and slip 4 sts onto a stitch holder, patt to last 0 [2:2:2:2:2] sts, patt 2tog. 9 [11:17:17:17:18] sts.

So I understand what it’s asking, but what I don’t know is at what point do I put the 4sts onto the stitch holder? As it says to pattern and then slip onto a stitch holder, but how many sts do I need to before doing that, if that makes any sense?! I know some patterns are more explicit, so maybe I should have read ahead before choosing this one :rofl:

Thanks so much in advance :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to KnittingHelp!
What is the name of your pattern and designer? Which size are you making, 1st, 2nd, 3rd…?
Work across 4sts in pattern, slip the 4sts just worked to a holder, work to the given number of sts and then pattern 2 together. It may help to read ahead to see what happens to the 4sts on hold. Are they part of a neckband or a hood or something else?


Thank you for your very helpful reply!
Sorry, I should have made myself clearer, yes it’s part of the neckband and I’m making the 2nd size. I wasn’t sure if I should work those 4 st or just put them onto an holder as it doesn’t state to work them; I just didn’t want to go wrong at this stage. So thank you very much.

Just a thought, would the 4 slipped sts be at the raglan edge or the neck edge? It makes sense for it to be at the neck edge, but if that’s the case I don’t seem to be starting this row at the right side :upside_down_face:

The pattern is bought from Etsy.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Yes, it might have said “Pattern across 4sts” to be much clearer. Working the 4sts puts the yarn in the correct place to continue the row where just slipping the 4sts would mean cutting the yarn and starting a new end after the 4 sts (the horror of 2 more ends!).
What part of the sweater are you working on? If this is the right front, seen from a RS row then the slipped sts make sense for the neck. If this is the left front seen from the WS row then that works for the neck also.

It’s so difficult to really carefully, minutely read a pattern without sts on the needle. Sometimes things read so smoothy that you don’t bump into a problem until you’re actually on that section or row.
Have fun with the sweater!