Help with a cryptic sleeve


I’m currently working on a lovely jumper with Rowan Brushed fleece (one of my favorite yarns!) and I’m becoming increasingly frustrated with the pattern I’m following. There is a passage that I think could be interpreted in several ways, and I’d be really grateful if you guys could give me a hand. Here it goes:

Cont straight until sleeve measures 54(55:56) cm from cast on edge, ending with a WS row.
Mark each end of the last rows with a stitch marker.
Work a further 10 rows.
Cast off 4 sts at beg of the next 10 rows. Cast off rem sts.

Am I correct in thinking that once the WS row is complete, I should place a stitch marker, then work 10 rows. Then cast off 4 stitches and continue knitting (no cast off) for a further 10 rows and cast off?

Many thanks from London!

Once at the given measurement for your size, place the stitch markers at each end of the row. then work 10 rows. After these 10 rows are complete, cast off 4 sts at the beginning of the next row and then continue to cast off 4sts at the beginning of each of the next 9 rows (40sts cast off in total). Finally cast off the remaining sts.

So many of the Rowan yarns are lovely and a pleasure to work with. Enjoy finishing your sweater!

Thanks a million, you’re a star! I’ll send pics once it’s done

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