I’m currently working on a lovely jumper with Rowan Brushed fleece (one of my favorite yarns!) and I’m becoming increasingly frustrated with the pattern I’m following. There is a passage that I think could be interpreted in several ways, and I’d be really grateful if you guys could give me a hand. Here it goes:
Cont straight until sleeve measures 54(55:56) cm from cast on edge, ending with a WS row.
Mark each end of the last rows with a stitch marker.
Work a further 10 rows.
Cast off 4 sts at beg of the next 10 rows. Cast off rem sts.
Am I correct in thinking that once the WS row is complete, I should place a stitch marker, then work 10 rows. Then cast off 4 stitches and continue knitting (no cast off) for a further 10 rows and cast off?
Many thanks from London!