Help! What does this mean? The directions look like gobbledygook! What happens to the pattern? Thanks for any help
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What is the name and disigner of your pattern?
Apparently there is a lace panel with a stockinette stitch section. See if you can repeat the lace pattern through the 6th row even if you have to use sts from the stockinette part of the panel.
Knowing the pattern name and designer will help us.
I’m not sure l understood your explanation. The pattern is bambino #9499. Should l preserve the pattern and only decrease on the armhole side? Thank for trying to help!!!
I’m not capable of helping right now but will welcome you to the forum and congratulate you on learning to read a new language - knitterish or something like that.
The pattern shows you where to decrease. There’s the row in which you cast off 4sts then a pattern row. On the following row K2, ssk, pattern to the end of row. Each time that row is repeated, the stitch number decreases. As you shape the neck there are further decreases. I wouldn’t shift the placement of the decreases.
You won’t be able to preserve the lace panel and the pattern photo shows that. With the neck shaping the eyelet lace pattern has to be given up. So decrease where the pattern says to in order the shape the front. When you can no longer work a repeat of the lace pattern, continue in stockinette stitch.