Help! Unfamiliar finishing instructions

I am currently finishing the Garnstudio Drops Headband; a fairly easy quick knit…until I got to the last line. It says “when piece measures 48cm join to cast on edge (do not bind off first).” I can’t figure that one out. Anyone??? :wall:

Can you post a link to the headband? It sounds like they are wanting you to bind off the two sides together…did they have you CO to with scrap yarn when you started? :think:

Ok I wonder if your doing thispattern? Cause seems to be a lot of changing on how to sew the ends together when I google…some made theirs by changing the cast on to provisional and doing a 3 needle bo or grafting the ends together…while others just binded off and then seamed the 2 ends together…:thumbsup:

Yes! That’s the one. And I have knitted one already and just did standard binding off and sewing together. That worked fine; I’d just like to know what the actual instruction means. There is nothing in the beginning about provisional CO.