I’m trying to knit my first jumper but I don’t know what this is!!
Please help meee
Help!! Undone purl?
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There may be more than one thing going on here. It’ll make it easier to see if you undo 3 or 4 of the most recent purl sts. You can do this one at a time without losing any sts if you “tink” your sts. (That’s knit spelled backwards.) Here’s a video for tinking purl sts.
Once you’ve done that you may be able to tell if there’s an extra yarn over at the missed stitch (the large loop). At that point, post another photo please.
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Thank you so much for your help!
I used this technique before the video I didn’t even know it was called tinking!
Basically I had missed a stitch so the yarn was stretched over the missed loop.
Thanks again
Glad you’ve got it working. Your knitting looks very nice and even.
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