Help understanding sleeve increase on pattern

I’ve just got to the sleeves on a Rowan knitting pattern (I’m knitting the Small size so the first knit count given), and I’d love some clarification on the following increase instructions:

The way I’m reading it doesn’t add up with the stitch count, and I’m not sure how to structure the increases on each end of 3rd, 4th, and 6th rows. I’m guessing I do the increases on every third row, then I increase every 4th, and then every 6th. But even if I just increased 1 at each end of 3rd rows, I would have increased too many to add up to 43 stitches.

Thank you in advance!!

Welcome to KH!
What is the name of your Rowan pattern?
Increase at each end of row 3 then every 4th row to 43sts. So that would be rows 3,7,11,15,19 and so on until 43 sts.
You’ll then increase every 6th row from 43sts to 67sts. That’s 24sts increased or 12 increase rows. I don’t know how many sts you have to start with but if for example you get to 43sts on row 19, every 6th row would be rows 25,31,37,43,49,55,61,67,73,79,85 and 91.

Thank you very much for this!

The pattern is RM-001-00014-Sweater-UK

So before any increases I have 39 stitches on my needle.

Would I not repeat the increase on the 3rd row acc. to this part of the pattern:

Inc 1 st at each end of 3rd [3rd: 3rd: 3rd: next]

Very confused!!

The pattern is telling you to increase at each end of the 3rd row. That’s it. Increase on row 3. It’s not every following 3rd row, just row 3.
The increases are on row 3 then row 7 (that’s the following 4th row) to take you from 39sts to 43sts.
Then increase on rows 13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55,61,67,73 and 79 (that’s every following 6th row) taking the stitch count from 43 to 67sts.

Got it! Thank you, I understand now. I was reading the sizing annotation differently (thinking 3rd [3rd: 3rd: 3rd: next] meant every 3rd row 3 times, and then the next row). That totally threw me off. Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

I can see where that might happen. It often helps to circle or highlight the numbers for the size you’re making ahead of time. Then you can move through these directions and get on with the knitting fun.
Very good looking classic sweater.

That’s a good idea. I think it’s the first time in my return to knitting I’ve seen ‘3rd’ rather than just a stitch count in the brackets, good lesson learnt!

Very much appreciate your help, thank you

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