Help understanding pattern

Hi all!! Im working from a pattern thats slightly out of my begginners scope, I’ve managed so far but I genuinely don’t know what they’re asking me to do here.

“Final Dec Row (RS): K1, [k2tog] 6 times, k1-8 sts. Break yarn, leaving a 10” long tail. Thread tail into tapestry needle and draw through all stitches on needle, pull up tightly and secure. Sew seam back to cast-on, working through 1 full stitch at each edge"

Its Berroco’s Sea Star knitting pattern and its hexagons that you knit in sections and connect as you go which I understand and this is a step before casting on the next section to the previous but I dont understand what it means to “sew seam back to cast on”

any help at all would be so nice 🥹

Am I right in thinking that you cast on for the outside edge and knitted flat (not in rounds) to the centre, so now you have two edges on each hexagon you make that need sewing together? If so, it looks like the pattern is saying tighten the centre up then sew the edges together towards the cast on edge.
And forgive me if I’m wrong, lol. It looks like a nice pattern and good on you for trying it!


ahhhh! I got it now! the two edges of the hexagon need to come together to make it complete and then I can start on the next one.

thank you thank you this definitely helped I was having such a hard time visualising what needed to happen!

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You’re welcome, would be lovely to see your finished blanket!