HELP Understand the toe directions on my sock pattern

De[crease 8 st every fouthrnd, working one less st between decreases, 4 time more: 8 sts.
I have got 40 stitches and it is for the toe. The word more is written in bold print.
Please help.

Thank you

I think you may have a few typos in your instructions from the pattern, but let me take a gander at it. If I’ve misunderstood, please re-type the pattern instrux, being careful not to add typos to theirs. :slight_smile:

“De[crease 8 st every fouthrnd, working one less st between decreases, 4 time more: 8 sts.
I have got 40 stitches”

Let’s look at this one phrase at a time.

  1. [B]Decrease 8 sts every fourth rnd…[/B]. You now have 40 sts. On the fourth rnd from now, you will evenly distribute 8 decreases (every 5th st), ending up with 32 sts.

  2. [B]…Working one less st between decreases…[/B] Four rnds after that, you will dec 8 sts again, this time every 4th st. 24 sts in the round.

  3. [B]…4 time more: 8 sts…[/B] Four rnds after number 2), you will dec 8 sts again, this time every 3rd st. 16 sts in the round.

  4. Then, four rounds after that–and this is the [B]FOURTH TIME[/B]–dec 8 sts again, this time every other st. 8 sts in the round.


As DCM says, on the first decrease round your decreases are spaced every 5sts so you’ll knit 3 then knit 2 together and repeat around.
2nd decrease round, knit 2, knit 2 together
3rd decrease round, knit 1 knit 2 together
4th decrease round, knit 2 together, ending with 8 sts left on the needle.
Use whatever method to decrease that you like to give a balanced slant to the toe.

You’re going to do a decrease row, then knit a few rows. The reason for this is to give you the proper length from the foot part of the sock where you knit straight to the toe. It also will shape the toe gradually so you won’t end up with holes where the decreases are.

Thank you so much I could not understand what that meant. I am sorry for the typos I hit the wrong button before spell check.

Thank you When I finished before my sock toe was very pointy.

Thank you alot.