I am knitting a ladies pull over sweater and am having trouble understanding the directions for the shoulder s/neck bind off.
I am not sure how I am supposed to bind off the center 55 stitches while working the left and right sides simultaneously.
Help shaping shoulders and neck
In order to work the two shoulders at the same time you need to work with two balls or two sources of yarn. So mark the center 55sts. Bind off the given number of sts for your size at the beginning of the row and work to the center 55sts. Bind them off and then work to the end of the row. Turn at the end of the row and bind off the given number of sts for you size then complete the row to the center bind off.
In order to work the first shoulder you’ll need to attach a new end of yarn. You can do this by holding the new yarn leaving about a 6” tail to weave in later. Bind off the first 2sts at the neck edge and work to the end of the row.
In order to stay sane, I write out a chart of the row numbers and the decreases at the shoulder edge and also the decreases at the neck edge. Then check off the rows as you complete them. A drawing can make this easier as well.
If you need help with the decreases, just let us know and we can work through it.
Which size are you making, first, second or third?
Thanks for getting back so quickly. You’ve helped me out before! I am making the middle size. So it will be 25st/55st/25st.
I think the directions were a little skimpy. I am going to follow your guidance line by line. Probably a good idea to write decreases down.
Thank you!
Yes, writing these down will help.
Basically you’ll have four decreases of 5sts at each shoulder. There’ll be two decreases of 2sts at each neck edge and then one decrease of 1 stitch at each neck edge. All of the decreases are bind offs.
It’s a very pretty, graceful sweater.