Hi, I’m knitting vegetables for my granddaughter’s play kitchen and all the patterns I’ve found they are far too big. How would I resize the pattern by half?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Help reducing size of knitted vegetables
What weight is the yarn called for? I’m guessing double knitting? You could try using 4ply/sock yarn with 2mm needles. I’m not sure exactly how much that would reduce the size by - you could do a swatch in both yarns and see what the difference is.
The smallest I would go is probably 2ply lace yarn and 1.5mm needles.
Either way, this sounds like a fun project and I’m sure your granddaughter will love them!
What patterns are you hoping to use and what is the size of the vegetable patterns?
I’ve had a little browse myself because my son LOVED his kitchen and I know the value of these toys. We had knitted fried eggs and Danish pastries (most of the food was plastic which is not as lovely as knitted).
The patterns I’ve seen don’t seem too big, just vegetable size. were you hoping for smaller than real life or roughly life size? Maybe you need to use a different pattern rather than change a pattern?
Have you seen these?
If there are particular vegetables you want maybe we can help find patterns?
Thanks for the advice
Thanks, I’ve looked at those ones, but they are quite large, I was hoping for any vegetables that are about half that size. Her pans for the kitchen are only about 60mm !