Help reading a pattern

Hi everyone my names Heather and new here.
I am 7 months pregnant currently knitting a raglan cardigan for baby.
I have completed the left side and now started on the right side.
Both sides follow the same pattern, but to me if I follow it the same as the left it’s not going to be correct….image

Please can you someone kindly help and write out the pattern how I would complete the right side? Many thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:

Welcome to KH!
Congratulations on the soon-to-arrive new baby. What a good reason to knit lots of sweaters and blankets and more.
The pattern is correct. It’s good of you to notice how similar the shaping is on the two fronts but they are actually mirror images of each other. Notice that the cast off of 4sts for the underarm is at the beginning of a knit row of the left front and at the beginning of a purl row of the right front. Follow the directions as given and perhaps make a chart of the rows, decreases at the neck edge and decreases at the armhole. Then you can check off the rows as you knit.

It may help to place a marker on the raglan edge as you knit each front as a reminder of which edge is the armhole or raglan edge. If it isn’t too confusing you can knit the two fronts at the same time using two balls of yarn.

I know some really good things to make I’m loving it!
Thank you very much for your advice, I shall follow the pattern as it reads. Once I have finished I’ll come back with some pics.
Many thanks again :blush:

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Congratulations, how exciting!

When I made a cardigan I liked making the two fronts at the same time with 2 balls of yarn at the same time as salmknmac has suggested.
Too late for this cardigan but bare it in mind for other projects, open you could also consider knitting 2 sleeves at the same time. I do this too.

One of the things I totally loved for my little one was gender neutral baby leggings. The leggings had the cutest patterns with animal motifs on the bum to show off with crawling skills. Unfortunately I wasn’t knitting then and didn’t make them myself but they could be a great project. Loose sizing so good with a nappy or for during nappy free time, toilet training etc.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing a pic of the finished cardy.

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Thank you very much - very excited roughly 9 weeks to go!
I will have a go at doing the sleeves at the same time so thank you for the tip - might be a good time saver too as I have other knitting and crochet projects I would like to do too.

Those leggings sound adorable, definitely have to look at them :blush:


The two sides are not the same; the designer would not have specified left side and right side if they were exactly the same. I spotted one difference at the “shape raglan and neck” instructions; on the left front you re to cast off 4 sts, K21 (second size), then K2tog. On the right front, the instructions are cast off 4 sts, purl to end. What I have found helpful is to actually look at the work you have done so far, (left front) and see the stitches you have made and where the decreases actually are. Then compare your work with the instructions for the right front and see why they are different. In this case, you will be purling instead of knitting so while the instructions look very similar, they are actually different.

I hope this helps and keep up the good work, you will be surprised at how things work out!


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Yes when you first look at the pattern it looks very similar but then there is a difference of the cast off and k2tog.
I have completed the right side and is a mirror image of the left side so I’m happy with that (thank you all for your help)
I think where the problem is that I may have done the right side 2 rows more than the left (can’t see the difference and go together fine) so when I came to do the dec 1 the at raglan edge they were at the end of the row rather than the beginning but all sorted now!
I will come back with the finished product - thank you all again for your help I really appreciate it :blush:

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Those small differences in the number of rows really don’t matter in the overall look and fit. Unless you’re working with super bulky yarn they constitute small fractions of an inch.
Good going! It’ll be fun for us to see the finished sweater which is going to be very sweet.

Sounds like success!

Shaping doesn’t always happen on the same row for left and right (shaping shoulders, raglan etc) it’s pretty normal for one side to be on a different row which sounds wrong but it’s how the patterns are written and as salmonmac said a row makes no difference. So you might not have been 2 rows out.