Hi! I am knitting my first sweater: Rowan’s Sucre Cardigan. I have finished the back and have figured out shaping the shoulders to a point. The starred *** instructions below are as clear as mud to me:
Shape shoulders
Ensuring you do not cast off too tightly cont as folls:
Cast off 7 [7:8:9:10] sts at beg of next 8 [2:4:6:8] rows.
Cast off – [8:9:10:-] sts at beg of next – [6:4:2:-] rows. 5 sts.
Cast off rem 5 sts.
Change to 8mm (US 11) needles.
***Keeping 3 sts slip stitch edging as set, beg with a K row, cont in st st with slip st edging until work matches back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with WS facing for next row.
Can anyone help clear up my confusion? I greatly appreciate it!