Help! Re-doing neckband

Help! After binding off my front neckband, I’ve realised that it’s not completely correct and would like to re-do. If I rip out from the bind off, will the original edge, from where I picked up the stitches, be intact?

How simple is it to undo this? (It’s a V-neck top). Any advice appreciated!

If all the sweater stitches were bound off before starting the neckband then you will be able to just rip out the neckband and reknit it. If there were any live stitches on the neck or shoulders then you will have to be more careful to protect those before removing the neckband. You could put in a life line to protect any live stitches.
If you are not sure if they are live or bound off you could quote from the pattern a line or two.

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Thank you! I think I should be okay then, none of the stitches were live on the needle

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You’re welcome.
Hope it works out how you want it.

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