Help - please

I am working on a pattern that goes as follows:

Using circular needles

with 2 strands of yard held together, cast on 44 sts.

rows 1-3 knit, at end of last row, do not turn,
rotate work and pick up and k 14 sts along adjacent short side of base, 44 sts on along long side of base, and 14 sts along rem side. 116 sts.

What does it mean - do not turn. Rotate work, I understand the pick up parts but not the do not turn, Rotate work.


It means don’t turn to work the other side; you’re picking up stitches down the side edge of the 3 rows. Are you sure it’s not 13 rows instead of 3 rows? 14 sts is a lot to pick up in the side of 3 rows…

im using this same pattern
it knit rows 1-30 not 1-3
i dont understand this pattern as well

It seems as though you’re knitting the rectangular base of something when you knit the 44sts and 30 rows. When you pick up sts along the side edge, the cast on edge and then the 3rd side, probably joining to knit all the sts in the round, you are preparing to knit up the sides of a basket or bag. There’s a video on picking up sts under the Free Videos tab at the top of the page, Tips.

What is the name of the pattern you are making and is there a link to it?

That makes more sense - knit 30 rows, rotate the square so the needle and sts are on the right side, then pick up 14 sts in the ends of the 30 rows, 1 st every 2 rows. Turn it again and pick up stitches in the cast on, then move to the other edge and pick up 14 in the sts at the ends of the row again. That puts you back to the original sts on the needle and you just keep knitting around and around to make the bag.