Hi everybody
New here and not sure if posting in the right place.
i’m very much of a new beginner when it comes to knitting. i am knitting for the first time using a knitting loom and am knitting the below pattern for a tube sock.
the first 80 rows are knit stitch alternating E-wrap and U-wrap every other row.
row 17 was U-wrap and row 18 should have been E-wrap but i didn’t pay enough attention and carried on doing U-wrap with several pegs.
i watched some videos to learn how to fix this but i couldn’t get my head round it. i debated whether to start E-wrap from the peg i was on but in the end i decided to finish the row with U-wrap.
This means however that row 17 is U-wrap and row 18 is U wrap, and row 19 should be back to U-wrap but worried that having 3 rows of U-wrap will mess things up a lot.
so i am thinking of reversing the alternating and doing E-wtap with row 19 (instead of U-wrap) and essentially for the rest of the rows do E-wrap instead of U-wrap and do U-wrap instead of E-wrap…
this is the second sock. have done the first one already. should i go ahead with my idea above or should i scrap it and start all over again???
sorry this is so long and hope this made sense (i am so new to knitting) and i hope someone can get back and give me their thoughts and advice.
thanks very much in advance