I have a pattern that calls for a “no stitch” can anyone tell me what exactly does this mean? Do you skip a stitch?
Help please!
“No stitch” or a greyed out square in a chart means there is literally no stitch there. Skip over that box in the chart and move on to the next box. Don’t skip a stitch on your needles however.
The “no stitch” is a place holder, either there was a decrease in the previous row or there will be an increase in a later row. The “no stitch” keeps the chart squared up.
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Ok so the stitch on the needle that is the no stitch on the chart, do I just slip that stitch ?
There is no stitch on the needle that corresponds to the “no stitch” square in the chart. Skip over the “no stitch” on the chart and knit or purl the stitch on the needle according to the chart directions.
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