Help please! Cast On Question

Ok… Cast On Tightness question…

I went back and relooked at the double-cast-on video, because I’ve been having tension problems, both with the cast on and of course the knitting. When I watched it this time, I noticed that it seems like she is really cranking down on the yarn. Am I right about this? Is it better to have a slightly tighter cast-on and looser knits? (I’m trying to learn this continental knitting. I figure it’s easier to learn when I have no preconceived notions about how to knit.) And based on what I can tell and what I’m reading its a faster way to knit.

Any help would be appreciated. :thinking:

Hi Joel,

When you do the double cast-on, you don’t want to crank down too tightly. But you do want to pull tightly enough to tidy up your loop. Sometimes the yarn gets a little stubborn and you have to pull one side or the other with a little more force to snug up the loop evenly-- I think that’s what you’re seeing in Amy’s video.

Personally, I find a super tight cast-on hard to knit from (like you, I knit continental). If I find that I have cast on too tightly, I usually rip it out and start again. The main thing about a good cast-on is that it’s really consistent and even. It’s a skill worth practicing, and it can be kind of mesmerizing and relaxing too.

Also, if you’re worried about tension problems, try making a longer swatch – the first few rows are hardest to work with, but after that the fabric stabilizes as it takes shape, and the tension might be easier to control.

Ok, I watched her video… I think it looks a lot tighter and she is really making it. It is better to try for a slightly looser cast on than tight… but in reallity it will probably be about right because people tend to cast on tight. It doesn’t seem like it as first, which is why people tighten them up a bit and then the cast on ends up being WAY to tight!

Amy DOES snug it up a bit, but you still have to have room to insert your working needle to knit from it. DONT CRANK ANYTHING. :rofling: You should be able to move your caston sts smooothly across your needle. You will get the hang of it with practice.