hi there,
i was wondering if someone could help me with this pattern, i’m fairly new to knitting. much much thanks in advance
the pattern is King Cole 2823, the blue baby raglan with buttons down each shoulder.
so far I have knit the back and the front pieces and I am trying to do the “Shape Neck” section (for front piece).
I have 39 stitches on my needle and have finished with a wrong side as per pattern, next instructions are
Shape Neck
Next Row: Work 2tog, patt 9[10:11:13:13:14:15], turn.
Sl rem 16[17:20:24:24:27:28] sts onto a thread.
I know how to work 2tog and I am making the 4th size, so the numbers 13 and 24 should mean something to me…but i’m really confused by the 13…what does it mean?
What I tried to do is knit/purl 2tog 13 times then i stopped and turned my piece around, that left me with 13 stitches on one needle and 13 untouched stitches on the other needle…where does the 24 come from?
I hope I have been able to explain clearly, thank you so much for your help!