Help please! baby raglan

hi there,

i was wondering if someone could help me with this pattern, i’m fairly new to knitting. much much thanks in advance

the pattern is King Cole 2823, the blue baby raglan with buttons down each shoulder.

so far I have knit the back and the front pieces and I am trying to do the “Shape Neck” section (for front piece).

I have 39 stitches on my needle and have finished with a wrong side as per pattern, next instructions are

Shape Neck
Next Row: Work 2tog, patt 9[10:11:13:13:14:15], turn.
Sl rem 16[17:20:24:24:27:28] sts onto a thread.

I know how to work 2tog and I am making the 4th size, so the numbers 13 and 24 should mean something to me…but i’m really confused by the 13…what does it mean?

What I tried to do is knit/purl 2tog 13 times then i stopped and turned my piece around, that left me with 13 stitches on one needle and 13 untouched stitches on the other needle…where does the 24 come from?

I hope I have been able to explain clearly, thank you so much for your help! :aww:


Is there a stitch pattern the sweater uses? It might be knit the first two stitches together, and then do 13 repeats of the stitch pattern. Then, hopefully if that’s right, you should have 24 stitches on the needle when you turn the work.

hi pcwombat,

yes there is a stitch pattern, its 3 knit, 3 purl. maintain this for about 3 rows then do the opposite, 3 purl, 3 knit…so it kinda looks like a checkerboard?

i’m not sure that i should do the 13 repeats as you suggest, that doesn’t leave me with 24 stitches…

hmmm i’m so confused!

“turn” is usually a short row… so you just stop at 13 turn your work around and knit the 24 stitches … you have to slip your last stitch to your right needle then start knitting
39- k2tog = 37
37 - 13 = 24 sts.
I think this video will help …
[B]Short Row with Wrap[/B]

This technique is used to insert extra rows invisibly in the middle of the knitting (extra rows are shown in pink in the photo, otherwise they would appear so seamless as to be invisible). The wrapping of end stitches avoids creating holes where you turn the work.
This method can be used by a knitter in many circumstances. It can be used below the neck on the back of the sweater, so the neck doesn’t dip down in the back. It can be incorporated to create shaping in the chest of a sweater, great if you are a C-cup or larger, and have difficulty getting sweaters to fit in a shapely way. You can modify existing patterns by inserting rows at the underside of the chest. This technique is used and described well in [U][COLOR=#993333]Donna[/COLOR][/U], a free online sweater pattern from Mag Knits.

You need to knit 2 together, then work 13 stitches in the pattern you’ve been knitting all along, whether it was plain stockinette or k1, p1 rib, or whatever it was. You don’t work 13 repeats of the pattern, you just work 13 stitches in the pattern.

So you will then have 14 stitches on your right needle. Slip the rest of the stitches - the 24 remaining on the left needle - onto a piece of waste yarn or (I prefer) a stitch holder, and forget about them for now.

You are now going to continue working on those 14 stitches, forming the top of the left front raglan shaping.

DON’T WORRY ABOUT THIS NOW, but just so you know where you’re heading:
Once that is done, I imagine the instructions will have you returning to the remaining 24 stitches you’ve put on a thread or on a holder. You’ll probably have to leave 10 of those stitches on the thread/holder and work on the remaining 14 to knit the top of the right raglan shaping, having re-joined the yarn. The last 10 on the holder will end up in the middle of the sweater front, and will be used for the lowest part of the front of the neck… what will happen will be that they will probably be used in the process of knitting up the neckband.

Miss Molly is right … I didn’t read the slip 24 on to thread. sorry bout that!

thank you so much! you are so right, after doing all the decreases it says to put center 9 stitches on thread and work remaining 15 st to match other side.

i think i understand now, thanks again!