Help on knitting pattern

Can anyone explain what the pattern means if it says dec 1st at each end of next and 8 fill 4th rows then on folk 14 alt rows (29) stitches I can’t get to this number stitches please help !

Decrease 1 stitch each end of the next row, call this row 1.

Then the following 4th row (4th from row 1 will be row 5) and there are ‘8 foll 4th rows’ so these are rows 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33

Then on following alternate (every other row) 14 times so these are rows 35, 37, 39, 41, 42 and so on until younhave done 14 alt rows (this part is total 28 rows).

There are 23 rows where decreases take place and each of these has 1 dec each end so total 46 stitches decreased.
If you are starting with 75 stitches you will end up with 29 stitches.

Does this help?

Thx for replying I’m new to knitting how do you get there are 23 rows decreases take place if I’ve done 34 rows then another 28 rows?

These sort of instructions can be very confusing but do get easier to decipher.

Dec 1 stitch each end of next row is 2 stitches decreased in this section.

Dec 1 stitch each end of 8 following 4th rows. This is a decrease each end of every 4th row, and it happens 8 times. 16 stitches decreased in this section.

Dec 1 stitch each end of following 14 alternate rows. This is a decrease each end of every other row and happens 14 times. 28 stitches decreased in this section.

The three sections of decreases added together
2 + 16 + 28 = 46 decreases total

There are lots of rows worked which do not have decreases. Eg
Row 1 dec each end
Row 2 work as set, no dec
Row 3 Work as set no dec
Row 4 work as set no dec
Row 5 dec each end

Out of all the rows worked only 23 of these rows have decreases and each time there is a decrease row it is 1 stitch each end which is 2 stitches each time.

As I don’t know how many stitches you are starting this section with I can’t say whether or not the pattern adds up but have given the number of stitches decreased so that you can check at each point.

Does this make sense?

Thanks I will give it a try. I’m very new to knitting

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How do you know which is the right side of the knitting in all garter stitch?

When you first cast on there is a right side and wrong side to the cast on edge. To be honest when I started knitting I didn’t know this and it really made no difference to the sweaters I made (not one that anyone would notice).
Depending which type of cast on method you use makes a difference to which is the right side and which is the wrong side. If you mind about it then we can work out which side is which. If you don’t mind about a very slight difference and barely noticable cast on edge then just choose whichever side you want.

However, if you are part way through a piece and have made any shaping which is not symmetrical (for example a cardigan front piece) then it is perhaps important to work out which side you are on.

Once you decide which is going to be your right side you can put a detachable stitch marker, safety pin, or bit of yarn as a marker on that side so that you don’t get confused later on.

It’s great to take up knitting and have a new hobby. Do feel welcome to ask whatever questions you need, this community is very willing to help and support no matter what your skill level. I have had lots of help since I joined a year ago.

What is the pattern you are making?

I’m just going to list these rows in full for this section for you as you are a new knitter it might be more helpful. Also because there was an accidental typo and one of the numbers reads incorrectly.

When you reach this section, “then on 14 foll alt rows” if you carry on counting the rows then these decreases are rows
35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61

Hope this helps

Thanks for the advise it’s a girls cardigan in different colours but all garter stitch

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Hope the rest of it goes well for you.
Do ask if you get stuck on any tricky bits.