Help! NewZeland Tribute to Orenburg

Has any one done this pattern.

It’s a free one from Wrapped In Lace. Margaret Stove’s “New Zealand Tribute to Orenburg”. I’m some what new to knitting but found I have a bit of a knack for lace but this one… the instructions are confusing. I’ve done the four corners easy, but the edging is driving me nuts. It says to join corner stitching, but at least the way I’m doing it it takes away from the other side and doing that doesn’t work because then I don’t have enough stitches for the second half of the corner edging. I just don’t know what corner stitches I’m supposed to pick up at the end of each right side row.

These are the instructions I’m struggling with. I’ve underlined the part that confuses me the most.

With RS of corner piece facing, beg at scrap yarn marker
at Row 50, pick up and knit 1 st from each of 25 yo loops
along one side of corner, ending at the corner CO (see
Notes). Pick up and knit 1 more st from side of CO—26
sts. Knit 1 WS row, inc 10 sts evenly—36 sts. Turn work
so RS is facing, and use the backward-loop method (see
Glossary) to CO 6 sts at beg of lefthand needle—42 sts.

[U]The edging is worked in patt from Chart A and is joined
to the sts picked-up from the corner at the end of each
RS row as foll:
Row 1: (RS) Work Row 1 of Chart A to last st, k2tog
(last edging st tog with 1 corner st), turn—1 corner st
Row 2: (WS) Work Row 2 of Chart A to end.
Row 3: Work next RS row of chart to last st, k2tog,
turn—1 corner st joined.
Row 4: Work next WS row of chart to end.
Rows 5–24: Rep Rows 3 and 4 ten more times, ending
with Row 24 of chart—30 sts rem; 24 corner sts; 6 edging
Rows 25–71: Cont to join in this manner, work Rows 1–24
of chart once more, then work Rows 1–23 of chart to
end with a RS row—6 edging sts rem; all picked-up
corner sts have been joined. Do not break yarn.[/U]

With RS still facing, pick up and knit 1 st from corner CO,
then pick up and knit 1 st from each of 25 yo loops along
next side of corner, ending at scrap yarn marker—32 sts.
Next row: (WS) Knit, inc 10 sts evenly across 26 pickedup
sts, then work Row 24 of chart over rem 6 edging
sts—42 sts.
Joining 1 picked-up corner st at end of each RS row as
before, work Rows 1–24 of Chart A 2 times, then work
Rows 1–23 once, ending with a RS row—6 edging sts rem;
all picked-up corner sts have been joined. This completes
the edging for the outer two sides of the first corner. Do
not break yarn.

The idea of this part of the pattern is to make the pointed border and attach it to the corner at the same time. In the beginning of the directions you quote, you pick up 26 sts along [U]one side[/U] of the corner and increase to 36sts. These are the corner sts that you will knit one at a time together with a border st. This attaches the border to the corner piece.

So to begin the border, you have 36sts on the needle plus 6 cast on. You should work Chart A starting with the 6 sts. Ignore the 36sts for the moment. Every time you get to the end of a RS row, k2tog (one st from the border and one st from the 36sts that have been hanging out on the left needle.

Then the instructions continue with directions for how work the second side of the corner. It’s a beautiful lace pattern. Good luck with it!

Thank you! That helps so much. I hope things go smoothly from here. I’m really looking forward to having it done.

It’s actually not going to be thin lace I’m using larger thread and needles to make it a blanket of sorts, and I’m using a bamboo silk blend so it’s super soft and snugly.

It’s going to be my third knitting project ever. I finished two scarves/shawls from Nancy Bush’s Estonian lace book because I found her instructions to be much clearer. I wanted a bit of a challenge this time.

Sounds lovely and challenging. Be sure to post a picture when it’s finished.

Well things have gone smoothly so far. I’m now eight rows into the main section. I’ll take pictures of my progress this weekend. (Weather permitting). Let me know what you think. It’s not as clean as the lace but has some very nice dimensions that you don’t usually see on blankets.

Great! Glad it’s going well and hope the weather permits.