Hello I am in need of help! :happydance:
So far I am finished with the back of my first sweater, well almost. Now I am to the part where it is asking me to "Shape shoulders and back neck"
Directions are as follows:
Next Row (RS): Cast off 8 sts (which I have done- I now have one stitch on my right needle- and 47 sts on left needle, I am stuck here, as it then says,) patt until there are 11 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. (What does patt mean, and I just can’t seem to get a visual of this here, and I sew???)
Work each side of the neck separtely.
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row.
Cast off rem 8 sts.
With RS facing, rejoin yarns to rem sts, cast off centre 18 sts, patt to end.
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping.
Help me please please!
Thank you much knitters!