Help needed with circular knitting

I found this site a few weeks ago and since then haven’t done much knitting LOL I’ve been knitting most of my life but have never tried circular needles. In fact no one in my circle of knitting friends and relatives have so I’m really on my own in this.

I’ve searched on the site and read a lot of posts and learned a lot but there are one or two points I need clearing up if you can.

I’ve got a pattern for a child’s waistcoat and realise that I won’t be knitting in the round but what do I do when I get to the shaping at the top?

Also, this may sound silly but do I use different size needles for the rib and then change to larger as with straight needles?

Any help you can give me would be great, I must say that the friendliness of this site really comes across as you read all the threads.

Thanks, Jan

Your first question on the waistcoat is beyond my pay grade so i will not try to answer.

On the second the answer is YES, if the pattern has you changing needle sizes, then you change sizes. You knit the same as if you were using double pointed needles. A circular is just one long DP. IMHO.

What’s the pattern- is it open in the front or not? We can help you better if you’re more specific. If it’s open and you work back and forth on the circs, you knit just like on straight needles. At the underarms you separate the sts and work the back and fronts separately and the shaping is given in the pattern. If you knit in the round, work in the round to the underarms then separate the back and front and work the shaping for each section.

You use circular needles exactly like you’d use straight needles when you’re knitting flat. If the pattern calls for an increase in needle size then you do that. Shaping is done the same way, too.

If you are changing sizes then you would either pick up another set that are larger OR you change the tips to another size if they are interchangeable.

Thanks for all your replies. I think I’ll have no trouble now. The waistcoat is open so as you say I’ll knit at normal for straight needles.

I’ve got a sweater pattern next so I may be back for more instructions later.

Thanks again. Jan

I said it a thousand times and will say it again: I prefer circs over straigth needles any day. In fact I do not own working straight needles anymore! (for ages)

just pretend to use them as if the stitches would not possibly slide to the other side (but only onto the cable for storage).

you get to the end of the row: you just turn around and work the other way. No sliding the stitches anywhere.

the needle size is answered and I bet you’ll be back, happy you tried it out!

It is way more ergonomic and helps you not to tense up.