Help needed to finish a Novita women’s cardigan

Hello everyone :kissing_heart:. I have finished knitting all parts - back, two fronts and two sleeves - for this cardigan, but I just cannot understand the finishing instructions! It starts with ‘Attach the sleeves following the markers on the pattern’. There are no markers on the pattern that I can find! The one photo they show does not clearly show how the neckline and raglan sleeves look. Can anyone please help to make sense of it?

Hope this photo uploads :crossed_fingers::kissing_heart:

Maybe this will help?

If the top of the sleeve has a curve to it, the higher point will go toward the back.



There is a red dot on the sleeve cap at the top of the shaping and another on the front arnscye. You’ll match those up at the too of the sleeve andnthe underarm bind off at the bottom. For the back there is a blue dot in the mirrored place, it isn’t shown on the back piece schematic but it’s basically the same as the front, the top of the shaping.

I would pin, tack and make sure everything is evenly spaced before doing the final seaming. I like begin at the top of the sleeve cap and work don to the underarm.
There is a shape in both sleeves left out of the seaming for the back band and collar.

Hope this helps


Thank you so much!!! I could not see these dots on the pattern I printed out! That makes it SO much easier! How marvelous is this site! And how marvelous are you! Thank you, I will get it done now!


Yes it does help, thank you so much!!

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Glad to be able to help despite my post being riddled with typos.
You’re almost at the end. I hope you’ll post a pic of the finished cardigan.

:joy: I understood the typos - I was lip-reading :rofl:. Just so wonderful to think I’m nearly there - with your help! I’ll load a photo when it’s finished!! :partying_face:


Famous last words!! I have never known a knitting pattern to be so obscure in its finishing! I have attached the sleeves to both fronts and the back. The instructions are: “Attach the sleeves following the markers on the pattern. Sew together the top edges of the sleeves (the back middle seam).
Pick up the 6 sts on hold from one of the front pieces and cast on 1 extra st at the shoulder = 7 sts. Continue working these sts until you reach the back midpoint if you stretch the fabric lightly. Work the other side of the collar in the same way and sew the seam in the back.
Sew the side seams and the sleeve seams.”

I presume they mean sew edges A together. And then sew the long sides of A to B, the back? (Which is longer than those long sides.) Then D to C? As for the stitches on hold, I can’t visualise where they will end up!! I am minutes away from unraveling the lot and knitting something else! Is this pattern so bad, or is it me?

It’s a pattern that takes time and several readings to understand.
You have it right however. Seam A to B at the back. Seam C to D in the two fronts. Then slip the 6sts on the right front (right as you would wear the sweater) onto a needle, increase one stitch on the inner edge (for seaming) and knit around to the back mid-point. Leave the sts live on a holder.
Do the same on the left front. The two sections should meet at the back seam when slightly stretched. You could graft or work 3-needle bind off to join live sts.

The first time I had a band that went around the neck I didn’t understand it either.
Maybe this helps for where the band goes

Blue dot where the extra stitch is cast on, making 7. That extra stitch is used for seaming as salmonmac said so it won’t change the width of the finished neck band.
Green arrow, seam the band around the neck hole to the back.
Green line, the 2 bands meet and are seamed or 3 needle bind off, or grafted. If you choose to seam you could do it with yarn from seam A like a continuous seam. Graft is probably prettier but an added thing to learn if you don’t know already.

Almost there!