Famous last words!! I have never known a knitting pattern to be so obscure in its finishing! I have attached the sleeves to both fronts and the back. The instructions are: “Attach the sleeves following the markers on the pattern. Sew together the top edges of the sleeves (the back middle seam).
Pick up the 6 sts on hold from one of the front pieces and cast on 1 extra st at the shoulder = 7 sts. Continue working these sts until you reach the back midpoint if you stretch the fabric lightly. Work the other side of the collar in the same way and sew the seam in the back.
Sew the side seams and the sleeve seams.”
I presume they mean sew edges A together. And then sew the long sides of A to B, the back? (Which is longer than those long sides.) Then D to C? As for the stitches on hold, I can’t visualise where they will end up!! I am minutes away from unraveling the lot and knitting something else! Is this pattern so bad, or is it me?