Hi! Does anyone know what might have happened here? I’m knitting my first sweater (the Gingerbread Sweater by Espace Tricot) and I’m short one stitch on one sleeve after having finished doing the German short rows (I have 22 instead of 23). It looks like something maybe went wrong a couple rows down where the mohair strand seems to have been dropped and the stitch looks weird. I put the mohair strand on a stitch marker, but I have no clue what happened or how to fix it! If it can’t be fixed, can I just increase by one stitch on the sleeve? Thank you!!
Help needed: Short one stitch
Welcome to KnittingHelp!
You did exactly the right thing in catching the mohair with the stitch marker. You can “ladder down” that single stitch to fix the stitch that is missing its mohair strand. Here’s a nice video for that.
This is a good technique to know in general. In this case, it may not be worth correcting the mohair strand which won’t go anywhere if you just leave it as is (minus the stitch marker). One stitch without its companion mohair won’t ever be noticeable.
As far as a missing stitch, if you can’t find a dropped stitch after careful inspection, you can add a stitch near a raglan seam maybe close to the underarm to make up for it.
Looking good so far!
Thank you so much for this thorough response. I did try laddering down last night to see if I could figure out what had happened with that stitch to no avail, so I ended up frogging back to my lifeline because I was unsure if the wonky stitch would cause problems later down the line. But I will keep this advice in mind for next time!
I saw your lifeline and thought, good going. That’s exactly what they are for. I’m sure it was no joy taking out the mohair but at least the lifeline was close.