HELP! My Starting Ribbing Needs Lengthening!

OK I’m HOPING there’s a way I can do this & graft together…this is the gorgeous Aragorn Fingerless Glove which I test knitted. I didn’t realized until glove #2 was finished that I misread the start and didn’t do enough of the ribbing. Is there ANY way I can do it separately and somehow ‘graft’ it onto the glove? :hmm:

The other hand is different, so you can see both on my Ravelry projects page.

If you just need to add ribbing, I think you can take our your cast on, pick up the stitches and add the amount of ribbing you need, then bind off again.

Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. I wouldn’t knit it and sew it on.

That’s just BRILLIANT! Thanks! Not sure why I didn’t see this sooner, but better late than never.