Shape Front and sides:
Next row:
P2. M1P. P14 (20-26-32-43-53). P2tog.
P1. Pat to end of row.
easy to understand to this point.
Keeping cont of pat, inc 1 st at side
edge, as before, on every following
12th (12th-12th-12th-22nd-22nd) row
from previous inc 2 (2-2-2-1-1) time(s)
what is the meaning of from previous inc 2 times more?? in each row when I increase?? in which part of the row? it is to repeat the 12th rows increases again?
AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st for
front edge (before Cable Pat) on 2nd
and every following alt row 1 (5-7-6-6-
3) time(s) more, then every following
4th row 7 (5-4-5-5-6) times. 37 (41-46-
52-62-74) sts
what I understand in the rows where I do not increase I have to decrease first, in my case, 5 times straight and then one yes and the other not for other 5 times
also, this means at the end I will be left with only, in my case, 41 sts?
thank you very much in advanced.