help me with understanding this pattern

Shape Front and sides:
Next row:
P2. M1P. P14 (20-26-32-43-53). P2tog.
P1. Pat to end of row.

easy to understand to this point.

Keeping cont of pat, inc 1 st at side
edge, as before, on every following
12th (12th-12th-12th-22nd-22nd) row
from previous inc 2 (2-2-2-1-1) time(s)

what is the meaning of from previous inc 2 times more?? in each row when I increase?? in which part of the row? it is to repeat the 12th rows increases again?

AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st for
front edge (before Cable Pat) on 2nd
and every following alt row 1 (5-7-6-6-
3) time(s) more, then every following
4th row 7 (5-4-5-5-6) times. 37 (41-46-
52-62-74) sts

what I understand in the rows where I do not increase I have to decrease first, in my case, 5 times straight and then one yes and the other not for other 5 times

also, this means at the end I will be left with only, in my case, 41 sts?

thank you very much in advanced.

Those 2 rows which you understand “next riw” set up how and where you will work some increases and decreases. On that row there is an increase M1P and a decrease P2tog.

After doing those 2 rows called the next row, row 1 so that you can keep count.
Increases come 12 rows after the previous increase row so that is row 12. Then do this 2 more times, that’s rows 24 and 36.
The rows between thes do not have increase shaping so just follow whatever pattern you have been following for the project (that is the continuity of pattern).

At the same time the decreases are on row 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 (this is the 2nd and following 5 alternate rows)
Then the decreases change to every 4th row instead of alternate so the next increases come on rows 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 (this is the 4th row and done 5 times)

So looking at the row numbers some have no shaping, some have one type of shaping and some have both types of shaping on the same row.
You could write it out in a list or chart to see which shaping to do on which rows and tick them off as you work them.

You didn’t say which size younare makingmor how many stitches you started with but I have listed the rows for the second size as you mentioned you would be left with 41 stitches.
If you are not working the second size we’ll need to look again at the rows. If you are working the second size then you should be able to check that starting with the number of stitches you have, minus the decreases and add the increases the maths should work out correctly.
You might also want to add a stitch count to your written list so you can keep a check on stitch numbers as you work rather than only at the end.

Hope this helps
Do say if it Is not clear and you need more help.

Thank you very much for your help!! indeed it was so much clear after your explanation!!!

Take care and I really really appreciate your help. Hope you don’t mind if later I look for your help if some more questions arise.

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Glad to be able to help.

There’s always help here, lots of people much more experienced than me, so ask away.
Whether you need more help or not it would be lovely to see a photo of your finished project.

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Hi, one more doubt…

Next row: Cast off 5 (5-8-19) sts. Pat
to end of row. 31 (35-37-54) sts.

at this point very clear, obviously.
By the way I am doing the M size, means I’m having at this point 35sts.

All sizes: Keeping cont of pat, dec
1 st at armhole edge on next 5 (7-9-9-
13-19) rows, then every following alt
row 4 (5-4-5-5-5) times, AT SAME
TIME, dec 1 st at front edge (across
first 3 sts) on every following 4th row
from previous dec 11 (12-12-13-13-
13) times. 11 (11-12-14-16-17) sts

here I understand that starting as ROW1 the first dec I’d go from Row1 to Row 7 decreasing at the side of the arm pit. Then, Rows: 9,11,13,15 and 17 dec 1st at the same side. To this point I have 12sts less.

My doubt is in the next step. I have to decrease at the other side, clearly, but what I can not understand is in which rows. Does it start in Row 2 and then 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46?

Thank you!!!

You’ve got it exactly. The directions aren’t perfectly clear but that is the intent.

What is the name of your pattern?

Is the “at the same time” instruction for a neck edge shaping?
Just wondering why this would begin on row 2? I would have thought begin these on row 5 (4th following the first dec at armhole edge) then 9, 13, 17, 21 and so on. The pattern doesn’t seem totally clear which row to start that shaping on but if it’s a neck shape my guess is more likely a few rows higher than the armpit… of course some designs have low neck edges.

Knowing the pattern name and being able to see a photo of the top will help. It seems like a gradual decrease indicative perhaps of a V-neck rather than a crew neckline.
There is likely an initial decrease row given which establishes the placement of the decreases across the row and is the first decrease row but I’m guessing here. You may well be correct about starting the decreases at row 4 rather than row 2.

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The pattern is a long vest.
This is the url:

yeah, maybe it is because my native language is not English that I have some troubles, but really, I think some times, the patterns could be more easy to read, just my thought :slight_smile:

it is a vest pattern :slight_smile:

You’re very clear in English, the pattern is not so successful. I agree with Creations, start the front edge decreases with row 4 (using the same numbering as the armhole decreases). That would be 4 rows from the decrease row at the top of page 17 column 1. If you’ve already started the decreases at row 2 that’s going to be fine too so don’t worry about re-knitting those rows. Just continue on every 4th row as you’ve listed. Sorry for the confusion.

It is a very pretty vest and should be a fun knit.

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Thank you very much! I am doing as you said.
I will post the finished result later :slight_smile:


Your English is fantastic and not the problem at all.
I am always in awe of people who have English as a second language.

I couldn’t reply before now, I get booted out of the forum from time to time and then can’t get on for a day or a few days.
I’m glad you’ve sorted out which rows to shape on. Thank you @salmonmac for your experience and guidance.

It’s a lovely pattern you’ve chosen. Looking forward to seeing the end product.

At last, I finished the vest!!!
Here it is:

Thank you all for your help :slight_smile:
See you soon!!!


You’ve worked the vest so professionally. It looks wonderful and will be a delight to wear I’m sure. Thanks so much for posting the photos. Enjoy!

Looks great! I like the fancy cable back, it’s a lovely unusual design feature.

I agree, that is why I decided to knit this pattern because it was not just plain in the back or just keep going the pattern from the front. It’s quite nice, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

Your finished vest looks GREAT!

So beautiful that I downloaded pattern. Question is only if I would be brave enough to go into cables. Never tried them actually for garments.

I really love your vest!