Help me find a pattern!

A couple of weeks ago I found a pattern in these Forums SOMEWHERE for a pink reversible cable scarf. The person had posted a picture of this pink scarf folded in half so you could see both sides and it was reversible. I’m not sure if I had to click on a link to get the actual pattern or if the person had posted it in the message here.

I had originally printed out 1 copy of the pattern and now a friend of mine wants a copy. BUT I can’t find it anywhere!! I thought I’d saved in my Word documents, but nope!

Can anyone help me find this post/pattern?? :wall:
Thanks, knitcindy

Could it be this one?

ETA: or this one

No, but thanks for posting!

The one I’m looking for is a light pink scarf folded in the middle laying on what I assume is a table - a light colored flat surface.

Thanks! knitcindy