Help interpreting pattern for vest armholes

I’m following a pattern to knit a sweater vest with a back and front piece that you stich together. I’m wishing on the back and have gotten to the point where you decrease to make the armholes. For the past 3cm there has been a pattern that makes sections of ribbing at the edges of the piece The pattern now says: When the piece measures 25-26-27-28-29-30 cm (the rib on each side measures 3 cm – adjust to
work next row from the right side), work as follows:
Cast off the first 4-4-4-6-8-10 stitches for the armholes at the beginning of the next 2 rows (cast off
with knit) = 78-86-94-100-108-116 stitches.
Do I keep following the same pattern as in the previous section? It says cast of with knit, but the pattern has one garter stitch then PK on the right side and KP on the wrong side.
Any help would be appreciated! I’m new to following garment patterns.

Can you tell us the name/number of the pattern, and the designer/publisher please? Or post a link to where it can be found.

It is most likely that you bind off in knit then maintain the pattern you have been working for the rest of the row, making sure all the stitches align correctly if there is any stitch pattern in the main body. Binding off in knit on the first bind off could be to help to see the stitches more easily later on for a rib section around the armhole perhaps. It would help to see it.
It may make more sense to bind off the second row stitches in purl though as you’ll be on the wrong side of the fabric and this way the two pieces will match.
It may also make sense to bind off in pattern (the rib stitches) to give some flexibility under the arm as a knit bind off will end up less stretchy.

Thank you for your help! Here’s a link to the pattern:

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Thanks for the link.
It’s a shame you paid for it as this is a free Drops pattern being sold illegally on etsy.

There is no pick up around the armhole later on so I would go with binding off on the right side in knit for the first bind off and biding off in purl on the wrong side (second row of bind off) so they both match. Looks like a small error in the drops pattern. Make sure your rib stitches stay aligned and your switch to stockinette too.

Hope this helps.

Yes, you keep following the same pattern as in the previous section after casting off.

  1. Cast off the specified stitches (4, 6, 8, or 10) at the start of the next two rows using knit stitches, as the pattern says.
  2. Once the armhole shaping is done, continue with the ribbing pattern (garter stitch edge, then PK on the right side and KP on the wrong side) as before.

This maintains the look and flow of the design. Don’t worry if the pattern adjusts slightly near the armholes due to casting off—it will blend in when finished! :blush:

Thank you!
– Jennifer