Help...I'm stuck!

Well, I think I am stuck because I am paranoid to knit and then have to frog it because it wouldn’t know how to frog this part.
Here is point in the pattern at which I am stuck and could really use some help…

[COLOR=“Blue”]Shape Raglan (womens sweater pattern)
1st Row: K2, s1, k1, psso, patt to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2
2nd Row (WS): P3, patt to last 3 sts, p3

1st and 2nd rows set raglan shapings.
Work 24 rows dec 1 st at each end as before in next and every following alt row[/COLOR]

I understand how to work row 1 and 2 but I am stuck at the part where it says decrease 1 st at each end.

Do I decrease 1 at the beggining and then k2, s1, k1, psso, patt to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2…

Now that I type this I am actually more confused as to how I proceed. Do I just repeat row 1 and 2 for 24 rows??

Please help…I haven’t knit in two days. :verysad:
I’ve been reading and re-reading this part of the pattern…perhaps I am over thinking this.

Ok, here’s what ya do!

[COLOR=Blue]Row 1: (RS): K2, s1, k1, psso, patt to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2
Row 2: (WS): P3, patt to last 3 sts, p3[/COLOR]

Row 3: work Row 1 again
Row 4: work Row 2 again

Row 5: work Row 1 again
Row 6: work Row 2 again

Row 7: work Row 1 again
Row 8: work Row 2 again

Row 9: work Row 1 again
Row 10: work Row 2 again

Row 11: work Row 1 again
Row 12: work Row 2 again

Row 13: work Row 1 again
Row 14: work Row 2 again

Row 15: work Row 1 again
Row 16: work Row 2 again

Row 17: work Row 1 again
Row 18: work Row 2 again

Row 19: work Row 1 again
Row 20: work Row 2 again

Row 21: work Row 1 again
Row 22: work Row 2 again

Row 23: work Row 1 again
Row 24: work Row 2 again

Row 25: work Row 1 again
Row 26: work Row 2 again

NOTE: Rows 3-26 are the additional 24 rows you were told to work, and they are in addition to the first 2 rows that you worked.

Regarding your comment/question (“I understand how to work row 1 and 2 but I am stuck at the part where it says [COLOR=Red]decrease 1 st at each end[/COLOR]”): The “decrease 1 at each end” is being accomplished by the [COLOR=Blue]“s1, k1, psso” [COLOR=Black]and the[/COLOR] “K2T” [COLOR=Black]as set forth in Row 1.
[COLOR=Black]So in actuality, yes, you DO REPEAT Rows 1 & 2 [U]for another 24 rows[/U], for a total of 26 rows worked. 13 of them are RS rows with the decreases at each end, and the other 13 are WS rows that are ‘resting rows’…no special work, just follow the pattern as set forth in Row 2.
[COLOR=Black]The “clue” that Rows 1 and 2 are worked from jumpstreet, AND THEN repeated for another 24 rows [U]is the wording in the pattern[/U]:[/COLOR]
"…[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]Work 24 rows dec 1 st at each end [COLOR=Black]as before[B] [U]in next[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][U]and every following[/U] [/COLOR]alt row" [COLOR=Black]The words “in next” imply that you’ve already worked them once. So now in THE NEXT row and every following alt row, you’ll do it all over again. You’ll work Rows 1 & 2.

BTW: “every following alt row” is code for EVERY OTHER ROW.
So the decrease rows only occur on every other row, that is to say, on the RS rows.

Anyhoo, [B]please let me know if you need any other help with your sweater! [/B]Don’t be embarrassed or shy! You’re doing a great job! When you get confused, STOP KNITTING until you’re sure what your next step means and how to do it. I see great things on your knitting horizon!

Wow - thank you. You really broke it down for me.
I had a suspicion that I had to work rows 1 and row 2 24 more times for a total of 26 and that the dec 1 was imbedded in the instruction of 1st row. for a while I thought I had to dec 1 and then follow pattern but now I know what to do.

Ahhh, I can get back to knitting!!!
:happydance: :cheering: :woot:

I really appreciate the time and care you took ArtLady to explain this to me. :hug: :hug:

I really was over thinking it!:aww:

Thank you.

HI, Can you explain me the meaning from 2nd Row (WS): P3, patt to last 3 sts, p3?

For the 2nd row, purl 3sts then work in the pattern stitch for a wrong side (WS) row until 3sts from the end of the row, purl 3.
From here, repeat rows one and 2. Every time you work a right side row (RS), you’ll be working the decreases that are in row 1, the slip one, k1, psso and the k2tog. You’ll continue with rows 1 and 2 for 24 rows.
What is the name of the pattern?


hi, this is the paattern, but i get cinfused at yellow highlight part, can you explain that?

See my post above. What in particular about the highlighted row is causing your problem?