Help - I missed 2 whole rows in cable - how do I insert them?

New to this forum, but not new to knitting, just rusty.

My problem is that I seem to have missed out two whole rows. I’m cabling every fourth row. Straight-forward pattern. It was a long way down the back, just after the arm-hole start. I am not going to unpick everything. Some might not notice the error, but I am a bit of a perfectionist, and it looks less than perfect.

Is there a way to cut the yarn and knit the two missing rows, and join it on again to the upper section? I’m game for trying, but don’t know how feasible it is. Many thanks.

Oh boy… I guess you could insert a lifeline on either side of the part you want to cut and then cut it, insert needles and knit the rows then graft them together.

I understand this in my head, but I’m not brave enough to try it. :zombie:

I’m with Jan. If you mess it up, then all is lost. As it is, you’re going to be the only one who notices, I’d bet.

You’d not only have to add those two rows invisibly, you’d also have to attach them on each edge and I think you’d get a bump. :think:

I’ve made these kind of mistakes. It’s very painful, but… the most efficient way to fix this is to rip back and re-knit correcting the error.
You’ll save time in the end and as a perfectionist, you’ll be happy.

If you graft it wouldn’t it be like the toe of a sock? It would still be a little wonky I think, but I’m not sure.

You could graft the cable stitches, but I’d think that they’d have to be attached at the sides, too.:shrug:

Oh good call. I was thinking it was just the plain rows. If it’s cables that might be tricky. :zombie: