Hi! I’m new to knitting and I’m not sure what happened here or how to fix it. It’s like these stitches on the right are all connected somehow and are really tight. They form like an X on the needle. If anyone could help I would appreciate it!
Help! I don’t know how to fix this mistake
Welcome to KH and to the forum!
It’s easiest to see and mark from the purl side. It may be that you need to drop the loop marked with the blue dot off the needle when you come to it.
Just to make sure, you could thread a lifeline through the sts in the row below to make sure you don’t lose any sts.
Are you deliberately twisting your sts for this pattern? If that’s what you want to do it’s fine. They can be inadvertently caused by knitting into the back loop of a stitch or wrapping the yarn clockwise around the needle.
Hi! Thank you so much for responding! Okay I will try that out! And for the first bit of my scarf I was accidentally twisting my stitches by knitting into the back of the loop but I thought I fixed it. Are they still twisted? Haha
Some still are. It’s ok though because it isn’t obvious with your yarn. I just wanted you to know and be aware. Your knitting looks lovely. Is it a scarf or sweater?
Thank you for your help, I was able to fix it! Thank you, it’s going to be a scarf!
Good going! A big part of knitting is recognizing mistakes and then fixing them. You’re well on your way. It’s going to be a very pretty scarf.