Help for this knitting stitch

Hello everyone !

I’m sorry to ask but I have been trying to replicate this stitch for hours.
I don’t think it is a moss stitch… It is way more “flat”.
Could you help me please ?



I think it could still be double/Irish moss; looking at pics on Google shows it might look different in various tensions and yarn content? This yarn looks a little airy to me (seems to have some mohair content).

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It’s a mix of mohair and acrylic yarn, that’s right.
Maybe the blocking changed the texture a bit too.

Thank you so much for your answer !

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No problem! I hope if I’m wrong that you do find out what it is.

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Hi and welcome to KH. I agree, it looks like Irish moss stitch. No need to be sorry for asking. That’s what we all come here for. To ask questions and help find answers. I hope you stick around and join in!


Thank you so much

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Welcome to the forum laurie and dont worry about english. We are here from all around world, some (me, me ) have english problem too. Not here, people here have wonderful hearths and soul even better minds.

I might be wrong but it looks like it is double irish moss stitch and 3rd row knit all
1 row RS k1, p1 to the end
2 row WS p1, k1 to the end
3 row RS knit to end

I might be wrong btw


Thank you ZKOhio.

I’ve tried your explanation but I guess I didn’t understand it right. Oops !

As I understand it :

Even number of stitches and
Row 1 = k1,p1
Row 2 = p1, k1
Row 3 = knit all

However with this uneven number of rows, my pattern changes every 3 rows (once its in the RS, once its in the WS). What would be the fourth row in your explanation so the pattern doesn’t change ?

Sorry, I’m still getting used to the English terminology

As i told you im not sure but it looks like that way from picks that it has only 3 row of knit stitch. If is work in the round than your pattern dont change, and has 3 row repeat. Did you try to see how it looks, and btw add edge stitches. :blush:

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Maybe the chart in this tutorial for American or Irish Moss will help (about 1/4 of the way down the page). It’s basically this stitch with the addition of a knit row every 3rd row. Row 1, row 2, knit row, row 3, row 4, knit row and so on. Because it’s a 3 row pattern sometimes the pattern row will start on a RS row and sometimes on a WS row if you’re knitting back and forth.

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Thank you so much for the help !

I’ve tried before but I didn’t understand right, that’s why the result was bad.
I will try now again =)

Thanks so much and sorry for my questions


No need to apologise, that’s what we’re here for! Great that you worked it out!


It’s double moss stitch.

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Hi Laurie,
Welcome. I come here and I don’t knit at all. I do crochet though. I come just to see how helpful everyone is. There is so much love here. Lots of problem solving going on too. Good luck with your project.
Vicki Henderson