Help! Fisherman’s run in the round to back and forth?
Thank you!
Here is a video of fisherman stitch (aka shaker stitch). He does it back & forth.
Now, if doing it in the round, you’d be doing it like (his) row 2 all the time? Right?
If anybody sees I’m wrong please step in and correct me. But it’s what I would do.
FluffyYarn, You’re not wrong but I think the difference here is that this is half fisherman rib rather than the full-on fisherman rib. Even at that there are some variations in the way it’s knit.
If the knitting in the round is:
(Row 1): knit,
(Row 2): P1, knit into the stitch below.
then knitting flat should be:
(Row 1, wrong side row): purl
(Row 2, right side row ): P1, knit into the stitch below.
Welcome to the forum,HannahMill!
Thank you!
This also depends on which is you last RS row (1 or 2)?
If your last RS row in the round was K and your front has an even number of stitches then back and forth would as follow:
WS: (P1 below, K1) repeat.
RS: K across.
With an even stitch count:
WS: K1, (P1 below, K1)